Children's Books,  Children's Westerns

The Boy Who Couldn’t Talk

The Boy Who Couldn't Talk

The Boy Who Couldn’t Talk, the story of Haystack and his endeavors, is an incredible western tale.  One part storytelling, one part adventure, The Boy Who Couldn’t Talk is an excellent book for audiences of all ages and experiences.  From those familiar with western life, to new cowpokes, an imaginative tale brilliantly unfolds right before your very eyes


Anna Elizabeth Judd exuberantly brings the images and sentiments of the west to full life through the eyes of a young horse…Haystack.  Haystack experiences a flurry of emotions typically reserved for humans.  Yet Judd compartmentalizes the keen, if not curious, mind of a child all the way through to maturity, and it is through these glasses we are treated to an amazing, inspirational story. 

As Haystack develops throughout the story, we are treated to life in the west and the relationship between trainer and horse.  Educating anyone unfamiliar with western culture is one purpose of Judd’s book.  Yet, at the core of Judd’s work is the special relationship between Haystack, and Adam…the boy who couldn’t talk.  This partnership cemented one final aspect of The Boy Who Couldn’t Talk, the role of God in our lives, prompting Judd’s work as a must read!

The Boy Who Couldn’t Talk is a special work, regardless of one’s age or experiences.  

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  • Akash

    I always take some time out of my work to read my kids a night time story. Glad i found a perfect book to spend some time with the kids. They loved this book so so much.

  • Peter Morales

    Great Book for Kids!! My niece always force me to read some stories to her so i keep looking for good stories to spend some time with her. Its a emotional roller coster ride for her and teaches good lessons in the end. Truly recommended !!!

  • Paula Lopez

    My neighbour’s kids always spend time at my place as she gets busy with her job more often. So i mostly read them some stories to keep them busy. I found this book really entertaining and i totally agree that this book is for any age group.

  • Sofia

    What a lovely piece of work. Kids are definitely gonna like this for sure. When I saw my kid reading it with such interest, I was glad that I bought this book.

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